
Cool Looking Bacon Band Aids – Look cool with Bacon Bandages

People are saying the Bacon is so good that if you put i directly on a wound then it could heal you. Honestly iwouldent advice you to do this but you could use som great looking [easyazon_link identifier=”B000SSV8AA” locale=”US” tag=”infobacon-20″ cart=”y” cloak=”n”]Band Aids[/easyazon_link] on amazon so check em out.

These Bacon Bandages will treat your minor cuts, scrapes and scratches with the incredible healing power of meat. The Bacon Bandages look like tiny slabs of bacon you’ll have to hold yourself back from just eating em.


PROMISE ME, do not go out and harm yourself just so you get to put one of these cool looking band aids on.
Please don’t eat them, it is unhygienic and just plain gross. But i hope that these fancy Bacon Band aids are enough to dry your tears away so you can continue to do you daily stuff.


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